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With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I meant it as much as I could ten years ago, but mean it even more now.

In ten years we’ve built a home and filled it with three lovely children. The Lord has truly blessed us.

I said “I will” then, I say “I will” every day, and I’ll say “I will” to the end of time. Icon3/21/2025

I read Mr. Calvin’s thoughts on predestination from his Institutes yesterday for a Reformation study I’m leading. Which is to say:

Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all that truly turn to him: Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you. So God loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Icon3/20/2025

I, of course, pre-ordered the new Pebble.

I’m feeling a bit trapped by the iOS ecosystem. I wish Apple would allow some side loading and greater app abilities for those who decide to do that. iOS is feeling like golden handcuffs.

App quality and Google keep me from Android. Icon3/18/2025

Currently reading: From Wilderness to Glory by N. T. Wright 📚

Truthfully never read much Wright. But, our bishop has asked us to read this as a diocese. Thus far, it’s been a great re-presentation of the plain gospel. Icon3/16/2025

I must say that I am extremely proud off of this trend. I started consistently walking in August, but struggled to walk more than two or three times a week. Since consistently hitting my 50k/week step goal, I’ve started noticing slow, but steady, results. 🚶‍♂️ Icon3/13/2025

I’d argue on the “not cheaper” front. At $8 a dozen per week (way less than we use), I break even in around four years. In reality, I break even in around 2. Chicks are cheap, feed is cheap, & they mostly eat our bugs and table scraps. — Rising bird flu costs drive backyard chicken interest Icon3/12/2025

I agree we need a word for this way of thinking. I’m not certain Pornean is the best choice. Maybe Haysian or something?

At any rate, something about the not adiaphora really stood out to me. I think that’s clearly implied in the cannons of the ACNA and our history & founding proves this view.

But, for the upcoming generation, it might be helpful to spell it out in black and white. There is a trend in the ACNA by some to forget that our province finds the theology of humanity and sexuality to be so important that it breaks communion.

It’s uncomfortable in our modern society and culture, but true. Icon3/8/2025

Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wishing you all a holy Lent. May you grow closer to God in this season and allow Him to cleanse and renew you. Icon3/5/2025

Currently reading: Super Gut by William Davis 📚 Icon3/5/2025

Yoghurt update: This is amazing. Why didn’t anyone tell me how easy this was? Fresh yoghurt is just the best. Icon3/4/2025

Hope in Anxiety

Yesterday morning when I came out of my office, Rosemary asked me a very important question. Knowing that I was working on my sermon, she asked me, “Daddy, how do you write a sermon?” It’s an important question, because I think a lot of people have a certain idea about sermon preparation that’s actually a good bit different from what happens. (At least for me.) I’ll pull the curtain back a bit and fill you in on my process. Read more...

Posted: Sun, Mar 9, 2025, Words: ~1700, Reading Time: 8 min

Error in Secure Object

Recently I’ve been working with secure data sharing in Snowflake. We’ve not yet shared our data using a normal private share to another Snowflake account, but I’ve tested everything. Using SIMULATED_DATA_SHARING_CONSUMER and setting the consumer id to my expected account, I was getting data back from the share and everything was working fine. Today, however, we got a request to share our data to a managed reader account. I created the account, logged in, copied the share into a database, and could see all of my secure views. Read more...

Posted: Fri, Feb 28, 2025, Words: ~400, Reading Time: 2 min

Analogue Mornings

While 2024 was a year of great things in ministry1 and my personal health2, it was also a year of a lot of stress and change in all areas of my life. Because of this — and, naturally, my deep sinful nature — many of my good morning habits fell to the way side. Though I had banished social media from my phone, set it to B&W, disabled recommended videos & shorts on YouTube, and quite a few other things, by the end of 2024 my mornings were rubish. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2025, Words: ~700, Reading Time: 3 min

My Dream Minimalist Setup

As is pretty apparent, I’ve been thinking a lot about digitmal minimalism here lately.1 This morning on my walk, I pondered a little what my perfect device setup would be, and I think I’ve got it. Here’s what I want. An iPad mini with the Daylight DC1’s screen. An iPhone mini with the same screen, no app store (only Safari, iMessage, Apply Pay, Wallet, Mail, Calendar), and a single small camera. Read more...

Posted: Sat, Sep 7, 2024, Words: ~500, Reading Time: 3 min

The Fallen Apple

Over the last two years, I’ve completely rethought my use of technology and done a lot of work to simplify my life and avoid distractions and unnecessary stress. A major component of this change has been rethinking how my iPhone is configured. As it stands today, I’ve deleted all social media apps1, disabled all notifications, switched the phone permanently to silent, disabled the web browser, removed badges from app icons, and uninstalled Slack. Read more...

Posted: Tue, Sep 3, 2024, Words: ~400, Reading Time: 2 min

Be Not Ashamed

Nashville is a tricky city for us Christians. On one hand, we’re Southern enough that the church is still expected and Christianity is not completely unknown. On the other hand, we’re metropolitan enough that the social norms and ideas of the secular world are fully engrained and lived in the society around us. In Nashville it’s not necessarily completely odd that you go to church on Sunday or have a “spiritual” life, but it is very clear that proclaiming Jesus as “The Way” and expressing traditional Christian ethics out loud in mixed company is not welcome. Read more...

Posted: Sun, Feb 25, 2024, Words: ~1600, Reading Time: 8 min

Remember Your Baptism

Now, for those of you who know me — and even for those who’ve just heard the last few seconds — I’m sure it’s hard to believe that I could be any odder than I am now. But, believe you me, I was a very strange and awkward teenager. Asthmatic, nerdy, Mormon boys don’t really have a lot of places to fit in in Alabama. Looking back, it’s a sure sign of God’s providence and protection over my life that I made it out of school relatively unscathed. Read more...

Posted: Sat, Jan 6, 2024, Words: ~2200, Reading Time: 10 min

1200 Miles in a Tesla

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to drive a Tesla Model 3 for 1200 miles roundtrip from Nashville to western Pennsylvania. It was a great trip and gave me some clarity around electric cars and what the future might hold. So, continue below and I’ll give you the good, the bad, and my thoughts on what the future of the American road trip might be.


Posted: Mon, Oct 23, 2023, Words: ~1300, Reading Time: 7 min