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Entries for #development

The Magic Variable 'count'

So, I happened to be looking back through some old files and I found an early programming assignment from my first computer science course back in college. In the middle of the code I found this wonderful line: while (cownt<years) { cout<<cownt+1; //"cownt" = "count", but when I entered it spelt correctly it gave me errors.// As it turns out early on in the code I declared int cownt=0;. I either couldn’t find this typo in debugging my mere 61 lines of code or — what I think was actually going on — I thought count was a reserved magical variable that made loops work — not something I had to declare. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Feb 20, 2019, Words: ~200, Reading Time: 1 min

Perfect Perl Kwalitee

In the time since Date::Lectionary was added to CPAN, I’ve been working hard to get a perfect Kwalitee score and make a really solid distribution. Documentation on how to make a module are all over the place and I’ve yet to see a good, single article or post to explain how to do it. This is my attempt, I hope you find it useful. Required Files README I like keeping my POD within the code of the module I’m developing and having the README file(s) automatically generated from that. Read more...

Posted: Mon, Apr 23, 2018, Words: ~900, Reading Time: 4 min