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Entries for #nashville

East Nashville Antenna Television Update

Almost a year ago I blogged about my new antenna set-up here in East Nashville. All in all, I’m still happy with my decision to drop cable and switch to antenna and streaming services. The Tivo Rovio OTA has proven to be money well spent. The Tivo is extremely easy to use and seamlessly binds OTA recordings with Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Netflix. Because the Tivo supports Plex, I’ve also converted an old Mac Mini into a Plex server. Read more...

Posted: Mon, Jun 25, 2018, Words: ~400, Reading Time: 2 min

Antenna Television: My East Nashville Setup

Back in May my Comcast — DBA “Xfinity” because that totally makes me forget they’re Comcast — bill went up to $150. We were paying $110 which was already more than I thought I should pay for data-capped mid-range broadband and some television, but that extra $40 pushed me over the edge. Mentally, $150 is a lot closer to $200 than I felt comfortable with. In East Nashville, AT&T offers uncapped gigabit fiber to the home for only $80. Read more...

Posted: Sun, Aug 13, 2017, Words: ~700, Reading Time: 4 min

Great Nashville Snow of 2016

Like many in Nashville I went to bed on Thursday night expecting to awake to a lot of ice with a little dusting of snow. I knew MNPS would be closed for the day, but I completely expected to drive into work at my normal time. When I awoke on Friday, I was excited to see inches of snow. Like any good Southerner I ran outside and took as many photos I could. Read more...

Posted: Sat, Jan 23, 2016, Words: ~300, Reading Time: 2 min