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Entries for #vds

Logs in the River of Discourse

A feminist tried to fail me out of divinity school. The last two weeks of divinity school turned out much differently than I expected. For my last semester I was required to take a course to fulfill a credit in the topic of gender and sexuality. There was only one course that fulfilled that requirement that would fit into my schedule with another required course, ethics. I spent my last semester as one of two men in a course exploring the intersections of theology and psychology for women. Read more...

Posted: Tue, May 14, 2019, Words: ~4500, Reading Time: 21 min

Seeking a Charitable Orthodoxy (Definition)

This is part one of a four part project. The final project is here. My journey through Vanderbilt Divinity School (VDS) has been a difficult one. Deep within the inner workings of progressive Christian theology and politics, I quickly learned that traditional liberal values of tolerance, free speech, free thought, and civil debate were more easily affirmed — if even affirmed — than lived. In the words and deeds of many of those around me, it was made clear that there was little space for certain theological questions or viewpoints. Read more...

Posted: Sun, Sep 2, 2018, Words: ~1500, Reading Time: 7 min

Vanderbilt Divinity has Changed Me

This semester marks the beginning of my third year at Vanderbilt Divinity School. It also marks a return to a required MDiv course after two semesters of Ph.D. level seminars. As I am once again confronted with future social organizers, ministers, and other religious leaders who seem to default to contrarian heterodoxy I have found myself taking a step back to reflect on where I’m at theologically. Has Vanderbilt Divinity changed me and — as this is most likely true — has it changed me for the better? Read more...

Posted: Sun, Sep 11, 2016, Words: ~800, Reading Time: 4 min
Tags: #mdiv #vds